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Smart Features


Failure Detection

Detect failed or partially failed prints.
Saves time and resin.

Crash Detction

Stops movement if crash is detected.
Prevents damage to LCD.

Lift Release Detection

Detect separation during lift stage. Improves reliability and greatly reduces printing time.


Dynamic Wait Times

Dynamically adjust the "before layer"
exposure wait times. Improves print quality.

Resin Level Detection

Automatically checks resin level before
prints starts. Ensures print success.

Failure Detection

Athena can detect failed or partially failed prints and notify you of a failure, or take action to block exposure of partially failed print to allow the rest of the print to complete.

Resin Level Detection

Athena will check the level of the resin in the vat before starting a print to ensure there is enough resin to complete the print. If there is not, it will notify the user to add more resin.

Dynamic Wait Times

Athena will dynamically adjust the "before layer" exposure wait times. This can have a dramatic effect on the print quality, by waiting until the resin has stopped flowing before exposure, we can reduce the blooming effect exhibited by resin 3D printers.

Lift Release Detection

Athena can detect the separation of the printed model from the vat film, so it is able to dynamically adjust the lifting height of each layer to ensure full separation and stop lifting as soon as release has occurred. This can improve print reliability and decrease printing times by up to 60%

"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories... those that carry us forward are dreams."

HG Wells

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